Meghalaya Moon and other stories

3rd March 2009 0 By Nandini

Place in the clouds

Meghalaya means a place in the clouds. This place in Northeast India does at times feel like that. Besides the poetry of its landscapes, it has its share of human drama, follies, passions – both good and bad. To get to the Garo Hills where I lived from 1999 to 2001, one has to cross Guwahati in Assam. The city and its vicinity are often in the news for ‘insurgency’. In fact the dominant image one has of this part of India is that it is rocked by violence. In my films and in the book of short stories I am presently working on, I try to look mostly at the other side. At the daily rhythms of life in the village, at people – their wishes, aspirations – their humor and their labor. Once in a while I do try to capture the dark side…as in the story ‘Meghalaya Moon’.

In the page Stories are excerpts of this story and others. A publisher has shown interest in the book which will be a collection of these stories.